Did you leave this film fired up and wondered what you can do? We partnered with INTRSXTNSURF to point you in the right direction. Here are the actions you can take to make a difference.
Catching a wave looks like a lot of fun, probably cause it is! But we know the work our collective is doing to make surf more accessible to women who’ve historically been excluded from surf culture is a lot more than just a “fun” thing to do. It’s changing lives. And it’s work that we can’t do without support.
Your support goes directly to the ongoing operating costs of our community programming.
We appreciate donations of any amount, from small to large, whether it’s one-time or pledging monthly support. Please check out our support page to donate today! www.intrsxtnsurf.com/support-
As we continue to build out our programming to make an ever deeper impact, please connect us with people in your own network that could help us along our path! Maybe you know an organization or brand that wants to support our efforts to increase diversity in surfing, or get more Women of Color to experience the beauty of the outdoors? We are only as strong as our connections- please share yours! To connect us with someone you know, you can send a message to us via our website, or reach out directly to our Founder by emailing: jessa@intrsxtn.com
All of our programming with Intrsxtn Surf is made possible through the efforts of volunteers just like you! Even if you aren’t in Los Angeles, we’re looking for volunteers to lend their expertise in several roles that aren’t location dependent. Some of these roles include: grant writing, digital marketing, PR, design, community outreach, CRM/email management, and more. If you are willing and able to share your skills on a very part-time or as-needed basis, we’d love to hear from you! Please send a short note to jessa@intrsxtn.com to introduce yourself.