Song for Cesar - Boulder International Film Festival

Song for Cesar

Song for Cesar

5 Calls 2 Action:

Call for Cesar

Five Actions:


1) Learn More – Get on Project Protect Food Systems Workers advocacy alert list by going to our website https://www.project protect foods .org/.


2) Educate yourself on the history of farm workers rights and our recent Colorado bill (SB 21-87) by visiting our website and reading.

3) You can also attend out monthly Monday meetings to become more involved. When you sign up you will get all the information. 


4)) Facebook message ( or Instagram (@govofco) to the Governor to Protect SB 21-87. Tell him and his administration that you support the bill as written and do not want to see it weakened in any way.


5) Support Colorado farm workers by supporting local farmers and CSA’s. Eat local and talk local by picking small farms who treat their workers as the highly skilled laborers they are.

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