Refuge - Boulder International Film Festival



5 Calls 2 Action:

MultiCultural Mosaic Foundation


Action 1:  Learn More

Established in June 2003, Multicultural Mosaic Foundation (MMF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to help cultivate moral and cultural values in our society by promoting understanding and dialogue. Visit our a web site for more information

We believe that:

As a community, diversity is our strength. We have a great deal to learn from one another, which can enrich ourselves without undermining our own identities.

Together, listening and responding with openness and respect, we can move forward to work in ways that acknowledge genuine differences but build on shared hopes and values.

Our Mission

Encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural values considered to be of outstanding value to humanity.

Contribute to establishment and furtherance of cross-cultural understanding and dialogue in the community.

Work on attaining peace and helping bring about the long awaited cooperation of the world civilizations by working together.

Other links:

Hate Free Colorado

Fountain Magazine

Wisdom House Denver

Abrahamic Initiative Denver

Interfaith Alliance Colorado

Action 2:  Follow the Story

Subscribe to our newsletter:

Follow us on Twitter @mosaicmmf

Action 3:  Make a Donation

Why should you donate?

Our existence is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. Without the donations of time, talent and resources that we receive from generous people and institutions, Multicultural Mosaic Foundation would not be able to continue working towards ending conflict in our social lives due to cultural, ethnic, and faith based differences

Multicultural Mosaic Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity where your donations are tax deductible.

If you would like to help and support our cause, please scroll down and click on the Donate link. If you prefer to write a check, please make checks payable to Multicultural Mosaic Foundation and mail it to 14232 E Evans Ave Aurora, CO 80014. Many thanks for your trust and vision turning into action by your donation!

Action 4:  Attend Events

Check out our events calendar and attend an event that is of interest to you.

Speaker Series

Our Islam Lecture Series

Action 5:  Lend a Hand

Please see our Social Responsibility Projects

Learn more about all of our gracious sponsors at the full sponsors list landing page!

See more sponsors at our insider news page!